Pedigree Mother & Babydog Starter is a complete, balanced, and wholesome meal for pregnant and lactating mothers as well as weaning puppies aged 3 to 12 weeks old. It is made with chicken, rice, and milk and contains essential nutrients needed by both the lactating mother as well as the pup. Pedigree Mother & Babydog Starter is more energy-dense compared to regular dog food. This provides lactating mums with the energy they need to feed their pups. It also contains fiber to ensure digestive health. Puppies have delicate immune systems which is why this dog food contains Vitamin E to support their natural defenses. It even contains milk and protein to support their growth potential and DHA to support brain development.
Pedigree Mother & Babydog Starter is easy to digest with better water absorption. As a result, mothers, and pups get all the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy.
The products in this range combine high-quality ingredients with the science developed by our veterinarians and nutritionists at WALTHAM - a world's leading authority on pet care and nutrition
EXPERT NUTRITION for Pregnant and Lactating Mothers and Puppies Between 3 and 12 Weeks
Introduce your pup to starter mother & pup in soft form. Take the recommended quantity of the rehydratable kibbles and add an equal amount of lukewarm water (max. 50°C). Caution Do not cook this food Do not add boiling water to the food before serving Wait until the water has cooled down and the kibbles are soft before serving them to your pup kibbles have become soft before serving them to your puppy